2.1. Data Configuration Service

The data configuration must be deployed before all other data service. The HAWK eyeCon Data Grid requires three independent configuration servers in order to assure maximum scalability. It is also recommended that the data configuration services be deployed in geographically diverse locations with a minimum of three systems which can be deployed in a primary and replica configuration.


It is recommended that the hostname be used for identification of the server because these names and IP addresses should never change.

2.1.1. First Data Configuration Service

The following steps must be performed to deploy the Data Configuration Service:

  1. The first step is to enter the following commands:

user@host:# ntpdate -u time.nist.gov

user@host:# yum install hawk-shard

user@host:# cd /usr/local/hawk/data/hawk-shard && ./hawk-shard-config

  1. Select Option 2 for Manage Data Services.


  1. Select Option 1 for Manage Data Services.


  1. Select Option 1 for Configuration.


  1. Enter the location where the configuration is to be stored. This is important for data store performance to ensure greater speed of the application.


  1. The “New Configuration” dialog box opens. Select “Yes” since it’s the first Configuration being added.


  1. When the installation service is complete, the service is initialized.


  1. The next dialog box shown reminds the user to create the default data shard before incorporating the data aggregation services to enable the data set.


2.1.2. Second and Third Data Configuration Services

Perform the following steps once for the second Data Configuration Services and the exact same steps again for the third Data Configuration Service as shown below. Please note there is a different answer in step number 6:

The following steps must be performed to deploy the Data Configuration Service:

  1. The first step is to enter the following commands:

user@host:# ntpdate -u time.nist.gov

user@host:# yum install hawk-shard

user@host:# cd /usr/local/hawk/data/hawk-shard && ./hawk-shard-config

  1. Select Option 2 for Manage Data Services.


  1. Select Option 1 for Manage Data Services.


  1. Select Option 1 for Configuration.


  1. Enter the location where the configuration is to be stored. This is important for data store performance to ensure greater speed of the application.


  1. The “New Configuration” dialog box opens. select “No” if it’s not the first configuration service.


  1. When the installation service is complete, the service is initialized.


  1. The next dialog box shown reminds the user to create the default data shard before incorporating the data aggregation services to enable the data set.
